Legal Terms and Conditions | Agence Sperone Immobilier

Legal Terms and Conditions

Legal Terms and Conditions

Real estate specialist in prestige rentals and sales in Corsica

This site is published by SARL SO. GE. IMMOBILIERE SPERONE, estate agency registered with the Prefecture of South Corsica: Professional card N° CPI 2A012012000030532 CCI Ajaccio Corse du Sud, RCS Ajaccio 393 872 791 and affiliated to the SOCAF group, 26 rue de Suffren 75015 Paris. SARL SO. GE. IMMOBILIERE SPERONE - Domaine de Sperone - 20169 BONIFACIO - FRANCE Manager: Marie Jo CULIOLI VICHERA -

Limitation of liability

This site aims to present the products of the Sperone estate agency. Particular care is taken to ensure a professional quality presentation. However, in spite of the means used, the Sperone estate agency cannot be held responsible for any involuntary error on its part resulting in a lack of accuracy, reliability, relevance, completeness or timeliness of the information contained therein. We would be grateful if users of the site could inform us of any omissions, errors or corrections by sending an e-mail to

Evolution of the site

The presentation of the site, the descriptions of the products presented, the photographs, the documents or the references of the products contained on this site are subject to change without notice and are made available without any express or implicit guarantee of any kind and may not give rise to any right to compensation.


Hypertext links to other websites are presented for convenience or information purposes but the publisher cannot be held responsible for their content, updates or any other link they may contain.

Respect of privacy and confidentiality

To contact the Sperone real estate agency, you can enter the information. This data is then managed by a computer system and in compliance with article 34 of the law 'Informatique et Libertés', you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning your information by sending an e-mail to

Photographic copyright

Photographs on the site may not be reproduced. They come from 3 sources: the photographs entrusted by the owners with a usage contract; the photographs for which the usage rights have been transferred or acquired; the photographs owned by the Sperone estate agency.

Intellectual property and reproduction rights

The site and its content are protected by the law of 11 March 1957. Any representation or reproduction, complete or partial integration, made without the consent of the author or his successors in title or beneficiaries, is illicit. This representation or reproduction by any process whatsoever would therefore constitute an infringement punishable by articles 425 and following the former Penal Code. It is strictly forbidden to use a text extracted from this site on another website.

Consumer ombudsman - Amicable settlement of disputes

In the context of the relationship between the consumer and the professional, the consumer may have recourse to a mediation mechanism, in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code, with the mediator whose contact details and website are as follows:
SASU MEDIATION VIVONS MIEUX ENSEMBLE – 465, avenue de la Libération – 54000 NANCY
Tel : –

Website hosting

This site is hosted by the company OVH, 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix.


The design and technical development were carried out by IT Consulting, 27 rue Dr Del Pellegrino 20090 Ajaccio